BVS-Agenda 2.0

    Event date


    STI Cochrane Collaboration and Brazilian National STI/AIDS Program: joint efforts to implement evidence-based recommendation and policies


    This presentation will introduce the Cochrane Sexually Transmitted Infections Review Group which is based in Brazil. The need and scope for such a CRG will be described and the efforts to include the process of developing national policies and guidelines will be presented.  Currently , decisions  regarding policies and recommendations for the control of STI at National Level have been made by an expert committee based on experiences of the members of the group.

    Since the establishment  of  Cochrane Sexually Transmitted Infections Review Group there is an movement on developing collaborative work for decision making based on best evidences, fully supported by National AIDS Program Coordinator, Dr. Mariangela Simao, and the Responsible for the Unit of STD, Dr. Valdir M Pinto.

    Collaboration with local Universities and with National STD associations  has also played a key role in the process.