BVS-Agenda 2.0

    Event date


    W08 - Expanding the audience of The Cochrane Collaboration: The facilitative role of Fields and Networks

    Local: Sydney room

    Workshop type: Discussion.

    Objective: To (i) highlight the important role of Fields and Networks within The Cochrane Collaboration; and (ii) illustrate current, as well as potential, activities of Fields and Networks as a vital component of promotion of The Cochrane Collaboration, expanding  the audience of The Cochrane Collaboration, and assisting in the Cochrane review and knowledge translation process.

    Fields and Networks (two different terms for the same type of entity) play a unique and important role in The Cochrane Collaboration. While specific activities may differ, the primary objective of each Field/Network is the promotion of The Cochrane Collaboration and dissemination of relevant information to their membership group.  Fields/Networks bring together people from different Cochrane entities for a common cause, and also create links between the Collaboration and the ‘outside world’ through the ir knowledge translation efforts.  Knowledge translation is required for the ultimate use of reviews and also to establish The Cochrane Collaboration as a credible and respected source of evidence.

    This workshop will include presentations analyzing the current activities of Cochrane Fields and Networks from a range of perspectives:
    • Cochrane Steering Group;
    • Child Health Field;
    • Prehospital & Emergency Health Field;
    • Health Promotion & Public Health Field;
    • Effective Practice and Organization of Care Group;
    • Neonatal Group;
    • South African Cochrane Centre;
    • HIV/AIDS Group.

    These brief presentations will outline successful examples of how Fields and Networks have:
    • facilitated the ‘bridging process’ between the Collaboration and users of evidence;
    • expanded the Collaboration’s audience; and
    • assisted in the processes of review production and knowledge translation. 
    The presentations will be used as a basis for group discussion about the role of Fields/Networks and how they actively participate in the work of the Collaboration.   

    Participants attending this workshop can expect to:
    1) gain a deepened understanding of how Fields and Networks function;
    2) gain increased knowledge of how to access and use the linkages brokered by Fields and Networks within and beyond the Collaboration; and
    3) contribute to developing m ethods to amplify the contributions of Fields and Networks both within an beyond the Collaboration.

    Intended audience: Anyone.

    Technical level expected of participants: Basic.