BVS-Agenda 2.0

    Event date


    W44 - Economics methods clinic

    Local: Roterdam room

    This workshop is given on behalf of the Economics Methods Group.

    Workshop type: Training.

    Objective: To offer authors, editors, Trials Search Co-ordinators and Review Group Co-ordinators an opportunity to seek ‘one-on-one’ guidance regarding specific economics methods issues.

    This ‘methods clinic’ workshop session offers an opportunity for members of the collaboration to seek ‘one-on-one’ advice and guidance on specific economics methods issues arising in the context of individual Cochrane reviews, or individual Cochrane Review Groups. Issues may relate to, for example, search strategies for economics studies; critical appraisal and study quality; data extraction; presentation and/ or interpretation of results.

    The session will be divided into fifteen minute time slots. Participants will be invited to register for a specific time slot using a sign-up sheet that will be made available from the beginning of the colloquium.  Slots will be allocated on a ‘first-come, first-serve’ basis.  In the event that the session is over-subscribed, efforts will be made to schedule additional slots with participants at a mutually convenient time during the colloquium. Should more complex methods issues require additional time, efforts will be made to arrange follow-up support after the colloquium (within available resources).

    Background: Economics has been defined as the study of the study of the optimal allocation of limited resources for production of benefit to society (Samuelson 2005).  Including coverage of evidence on economics aspects of interventions in Cochrane Reviews can (i) improve their relevance and usefulness as a component of the basis for health care decision-making (Lavis 2005) and (ii) provide the international context within which economics data can be interpreted and assessed as a preliminary to full economic evaluation (Jefferson 1999).

    Refere nces:
    Jefferson T, Demicheli V, Rivetti D, Deeks J.  Cochrane Reviews and Systematic Reviews of Economic Evaluations. Pharmacoeconomics 1999; 16 Suppl 1: 85-89.
    Lavis J, Davies H, Oxman A, Denis J-L, Golden-Biddle K, Ferlie E.. Towards a systematic review that informs health-care management and policy-making. Journal of Health Services Research and Policy 2005;10(S1): 35-48.
    Samuelson PA, Nordhaus WD (2005). Economics (18th Edition). London: McGraw-Hill.

    Intended audience: (i) Review authors; (ii) Editors; (iii) Trials Search Co-ordinators; (iv) Review Group Co-ordinators.

    Technical level expected of participants: Basic.